The Importance & Power of Our Beliefs
On Gaia TV last night, Regina Meredith was interviewing Mitch Horowitcz on one of my favorite shows, Open Minds. It was an interview from 2020, but still very relevant. Mitch said that we don't realize the power we actually have. And I agree. I fully believe I have phenomenal power, as we all do. So, what will I DO with this knowledge?
The Amazing Placebo Effect
Mitch brought up the placebo effect, and how even when people KNOW they took a sugar pill, they still get results. Why? Because they BELIEVE in the placebo effect as a fact. It's been proven in studies and they believe it.
What's interesting to me is that the people didn't have to say affirmations about it, do vision boards, meditate about it, pray about it. . . they just took it as fact. Then their brains said, "OK. This is a fact. This will cure___." And it did!
And the story of the maid study. Half the cleaning staff at a hotel was told about the fantastic health benefits of cleaning. How it strengthened their muscles, burned calories, and improved their cardio. Later, that half of staff all saw unexpected benefits: lower blood pressure, weight loss, stronger muscles, etc. And they had done nothing new!!!
This strikes me as important for 2 reasons.
#1 If we TRULY, FULLY believe something, it becomes true. So if I 100% believe I will build a successful company and help 300,000 people, and have NO doubts (like Marty McFly comes to me from the future and tells me "It's absolutely 100% true— I've seen it!") it WILL easily happen.
#2 What "facts" have we people been led to believe that are not true and do NOT serve our best interests? Like maybe bread ISN'T our enemy. Maybe investing money doesn't make sense. Maybe 8-10 glasses of water each day isn't needed. Maybe our bodies DON'T start falling apart as we get older (getting forgetful, aches/pains/hearing/eyes/ etc). Maybe counting calories is made up. Maybe Satan isn't out to get us. Maybe we aren't all sinners. Maybe the world is NOT as scary and messed up as it seems on TV.
I think we make the "facts" true by believing in them.
The belief makes it happen.
Like the story of the man who got accidentally locked in a refrigerator train car who "froze" to death, even though the train car was broken and not actually at the freezing temperature. But he feared and believed it was, and he believed that he was going to freeze to death.
Ironically, I also saw people talking online today about something that happened at the White House in January. That it was a setup. A peaceful protest made to look like an angry mob? I'm not going to comment on the politics or "choose a side," I'm simply saying that things aren't always what they seem, and our BELIEFS can make things appear real.
Let's jump back to #1— so what if I fully believe that when I sleep, my body works to use the food I ate for my highest good? That it restores and replenishes my cells? That it balances my body to its ideal, healthy weight, strength, functionality and shape? And what if I believe this happens without me lifting a finger, buying new supplements, or taking what TV tries to convince me is the latest, greatest drug or strategy?
Think about it! That's how intelligent our bodies really are. And all this nonsense about what we should or should not do is rubbish.
Oh, and just to clarify, I'm speaking about natural foods when I say that, not fake, man-made processed junk. Not chemicals.
I also doubt sugar is as bad as "experts" and "authorities" would have us believe.
If we are worried all the time about something as simple as what we should eat, we are DISTRACTED from our spirituality and highest potential. From our magic and miracles.
Who made the rules about what women are “supposed” to look like anyway?
If you’re a woman, you’re likely also worried and distracted about superficial things our culture shames us into believing. I mean, who defined what a "good" body looks like— fat or thin? Bigger boobs or flatter boobs? Muscular arms or twigs? Long hair or short? Pale skinned or tan? And on and on it goes.
I don't want to strive for someone else's idea of perfection of what I "should" look like. I don't want to have low vibration feelings about the size of my belly or my legs, or my jeans. I don't want to, but still I have done this many, many times in my life, as I'm sure most of you have.
Uncover the love & respect for yourself
I want to LOVE and RESPECT and HONOR my body with gratitude for being my current vehicle. Celebrate it even. This body allows me to feel warmth of the sun, taste strawberries, hear the crunch of leaves under my feet, smell the pine needles, hear beautiful music, feel the intimacy of touch, write + think + create tangible things— it's just amazing. Totally amazing.
I believe the most powerful beings on Earth KNOW and understand this secret. And I believe some of them use it to hinder the rest of us. To basically handicap us. To stamp out our true lights, our true essence and powers.
I don't know the answer of how to change the cultural pressures in our society. I DO know I must begin with me. With my vibration. My beliefs. My healing. And it will radiate outward to those around me. Namaste!
Your Turn
OK my journalers— take a few moments and think about these two questions, while this is still fresh in your mind:
What’s something you currently believe that might not be true for you?
What’s a rule society says you MUST keep, that you wish would go away?
What’s something you’d like to make true for you?
Jennifer Robin O’Keefe serves as a friendly, relatable Wellness & Success Coach. After completing extensive personal development and coaching training with Jack Canfield, she earned the title of Certified Canfield Trainer, and is authorized to teach others "The Success Principles."
She also holds several wellness certifications including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping, Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Tapping, Reiki, and more. She continuously expands her knowledge in the fields of Qi Gong, Xien Gong, Vibration/Energy Wellness and Natural Health.
She's an active reader and researcher who loves to learn and teach. It's her great joy to teach and share what she's learned with others!