The Sleepover That Silenced My Song: A Journey Back to Musical Self-Expression
We each are the way we are TODAY because of things that happened in the past, and what our little bodies and brains “learned” about the world and how to act to stay safe. Our early experiences can affect decisions we make for the rest of our lives– for better or worse.

Let’s Stop Being PUSHED Around Into a Spending Frenzy
Society wants us to keep buying more stuff & I’m tired of it. Let’s think for ourselves & make better choices for our pocketbooks and the planet.

Learning to Get Grounded with Earthing
Earth’s ground (dirt, sand, grass) gives off a negative electrical charge, which is beneficial for our bodies. Studies have shown it may help the body.

I am DONE With Dieting & Counting Calories
I've seen so many sworn-by eating facts get overturned in my life. I refuse to be a prisoner to calorie counting or believing some foods are "bad.”

Positive Statements & Thoughts to Cheer You Up
Reading positive quotes is a great motivational tool as you reach for your goals. I'm sharing positive graphics of self love, success quotes & more.

The Importance & Power of Our Beliefs
Why do we believe what we believe & how can we purposefully use our beliefs and actions to manifest health, positivity, and success into our lives?